歐盟開放比斯開灣鯷魚作業及調整漁業配額歐洲執委會引用鯷魚資源生態健全、資源量高於生物安全標準的科學評估報告,提議自2011年7月至2012年6月止增加酒店打工西班牙及法國在比斯開灣的鯷魚漁獲量;總可捕量(TAC)擬訂為29,700公噸。另歐盟執委會調整2011年部分漁業配額:(1) 因與法羅群島的2011年配額協商破局,賣屋歐盟被迫放寬會員國配額。(2)完成Irminger Sea(位於格林蘭島及冰島間)及鄰近水域的紅魚漁業協定。(3)調整太平洋劍旗魚及Porcupine Bank(位於愛爾蘭酒店打工西岸)挪威龍蝦的管理機制。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 15/2011,16 August 2011) Following scientific advice confirming that anchovy 房屋買賣stock is in a good state and above safe biological limits, the European Commission proposed increased fishing opportunities for anchovy 宜蘭民宿fishing in the Bay of Biscay for the season July 2011 - June 2012. The proposed total allowable catch (TAC) is 29 700 MT to be caught by 售屋網Spain and France. In another development, the EU Council has passed a regulation adjusting certain 2011 quotas to account for: i) failure of 吳哥窟the EU and Faroe Islands to reach agreement on an exchange of quotas for 2011 (thus releasing EU quota for Member States); ii) the 花蓮民宿conclusion of the Agreement on Redfish in the Irminger Sea and adjacent areas and, iii) changes to management regimes for swordfish in the 房屋貸款Pacific and Norway lobster from the Porcupine Bank.

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